Android Firmware Zone

Friday, 17 November 2017

PEACE P50 Flash File{{MT6572 V4.4.2}}Official Factory Firmwaer Flash File-100%Tested By_Gsm Rana

PEACE P50 MT6572 AndroidVer 4.4.2 flash file 100%Tested By_Gsm Rana

+8801714326939     +8801714326939+8801714326939
No Dead Rick
100%Tested By_Gsm Rana

PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2  Flash file without password
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2  rom without  firmwere flash file
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2 without password
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2  flash file free
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2 cm2 read flash file
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2 official rom
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2 virus clean flash file stock rom
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2 dead boot recovery flash file
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2 lcd fix flash file
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2 unknown baseband solve flash file
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2 xda flash file
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2  needrom flash file
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2 android mtk flash file
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2  bossrom flash file
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2 file without password
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2  rom without password
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2  firmwere flash file without password
PEACE P50 MT6572 V4.4.2 flash file free

Reading Flash Content now ...

Brand     : PEACE
ProdName  : P50
ProdModel : P50
Device    : P50
AndroidVer: 4.4.2
MTKxCPU   : MT6572

[Read Ok] : preloader_yuanda72_cwet_kk.bin
[Read Ok] : MBR
[Read Ok] : EBR1
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img

[ScatCFG] : MT6572 / V1.1.1 / yuanda72_cwet_kk / EMMC
Android Info saved
MAUI Meta DB saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 642 MiB
Scatter saved to : C:\Users\Rana\Desktop\MT6572__PEACE__P50__P50__4.4.2__ALPS.KK1.MP7.V1\

All done!

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Symphony Symtab20 Flash File{{MT6572 V4.4.2}} KK1.MP7.V1.43 official firmwere flash file-100%Tested By_Gsm Rana



+8801714326939     +8801714326939+8801714326939


No Dead Rick

100%Tested By_Gsm Rana

Reading Flash Content now ...

Brand     : SYMPHONY
ProdName  : Symtab20
ProdModel : Symtab20
Device    : Symtab20
AndroidVer: 4.4.2
MTKxCPU   : MT6572
MTKxPRJ   : ALPS.KK1.MP7.V1.43

[Read Ok] : preloader_symphony12c_9122.bin
[Read Ok] : MBR
[Read Ok] : EBR1
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img

[ScatCFG] : MT6572 / V1.1.1 / symphony12c_9122 / EMMC
Android Info saved
MAUI Meta DB saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 962 MiB
Scatter saved to : C:\Users\Rana\Desktop\MT6572__SYMPHONY__Symtab20__Symtab20__4.4.2__ALPS.KK1.MP7.V1.43\

All done! 
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 Flash file without password
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 rom without  firmwere flash file
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 without password
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 flash file free
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 cm2 read flash file
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 official rom
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 virus clean flash file  
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 stock rom
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2dead boot recovery flash file
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 lcd fix flash file
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 unknown baseband solve flash file
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2  xda flash file
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2  needrom flash file
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 android mtk flash file
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 bossrom flash file
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 file without password
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 rom without password
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 firmwere flash file without password
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 flash file free
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 cm2 read flash file
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 official rom
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 virus clean flash file stock rom
SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 dead boot recovery flash file
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 lcd fix flash file
  SYMPHONY SYMTAB20-MT6572 V4.4.2 unknown baseband solve flash file

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Itel-S11 Plus-Flash File-MT6580 V6.0-Official latest firmwere flash file 100%Tested By_Gsm Rana

 Itel S11Plus MT6580 V6.0 Flash file without password 100%Tested 
 Itel S11Plus MT6580 V6.0 rom without  firmwere flash file 100%Tested
 Itel S11Plus MT6580 V6.0 without password 100%Tested
 Itel S11Plus MT6580 V6.0 flash file free 100%Tested
 Itel S11Plus MT6580 V6.0 cm2 read flash file 100%Tested 
 Itel S11Plus MT6580 V6.0 official rom
 Itel S11Plus MT6580 V6.0 virus clean flash file stock rom
 Itel S11Plus MT6580 V6.0 dead boot recovery flash file
 Itel S11Plus MT6580 V6.0 lcd fix flash file
 Itel S11Plus MT6580 V6.0 unknown baseband solve flash file
 Itel S11Plus MT6580 V6.0 xda flash file
 Itel S11Plus MT6580 V6.0  needrom flash file
 Itel S11Plus MT6580 V6.0 android mtk flash file
 Itel S11Plus MT6580 V6.0 bossrom flash file
No Dead Rick
100%Tested By_Gsm Rana
+8801714326939     +8801714326939+8801714326939
 Reading Flash Content now ...

xGPT : Normalize settings Ok!

Brand     : Itel
ProdName  : S11Plus
ProdModel : itel S11Plus
Device    : S11Plus
AndroidVer: 6.0
MTKxCPU   : MT6580
MTKxPRJ   : S11Plus-I801-6.0-OP-V033-170913

[Read Ok] : preloader_rlk6580_we_i_m.bin
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img

[ScatCFG] : MT6580 / V1.1.2 / rlk6580_we_i_m / EMMC
Android Info saved
MAUI Meta DB saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 2605 MiB
Scatter saved to : C:\Users\Rana\Desktop\MT6580__Itel__itel_S11Plus__S11Plus__6.0__S11Plus-I801-6.0-OP-V033-170913\

All done!

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

WE L3 Flash File{{MT6580 V6.0}} Official Factory Firmwaer Flash File 100%Tested By_Gsm Rana


WE L3 MT6580 V6.0 Flash file without password
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0 rom without  firmwere flash file
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0 without password
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0  flash file free
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0 cm2 read flash file
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0  official rom
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0  virus clean flash file stock rom
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0 dead boot recovery flash file
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0  lcd fix flash file
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0 unknown baseband solve flash file
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0  xda flash file
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0  needrom flash file

WE L3 MT6580 V6.0 android mtk flash file
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0  bossrom flash file
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0  file without password
 WE L3 MT6580 V6.0 rom without password
 WE L3 MT6580 V6.0 firmwere flash file without password
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0  flash file free
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0  cm2 read flash file
 WE L3 MT6580 V6.0 official rom
 WE L3 MT6580 V6.0 virus clean flash file stock rom
 WE L3 MT6580 V6.0 dead boot recovery flash file
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0  lcd fix flash file
WE L3 MT6580 V6.0  unknown baseband solve flash file 

No Dead Rick
100%Tested By_Gsm Rana
+8801714326939     +8801714326939+8801714326939
Device Brand   : WE
Device Model   : t223_wh_WHL3
Device CPU     : MT6580
Device IntName : WE L3
Device Version : 6.0
Device Compile : 1/11/2017 7:45:19 AM
Device Project : alps-mp-m0.mp1-V2.39_along6580.we.m_P19
Device ExtInfo : WE L3


SONY XBO-V6 Flash File{{MT6572 V4.4.2}}lcd fix firmwere flash file 100%Tested By_Gsm Rana


SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2 Flash file without password 
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2  rom without  firmwere flash file
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2 without password
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2  flash file free
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2  cm2 read flash file
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2 official rom
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2  virus clean flash file stock rom 
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2 dead boot recovery flash file
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2 lcd fix flash file

SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2 unknown baseband solve flash file
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2  xda flash file
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2  needrom flash file
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2 android mtk flash file
SONY XBO-V6  bossrom flash file
SONY XBO-V6  file without password
 SONY XBO-V6 rom without password
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2  firmwere flash file without password
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2  flash file free
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2  cm2 read flash file
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 V4.4.2 official rom
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572  virus clean flash file stock rom
 SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 dead boot recovery flash file
SONY XBO-V6  MT6572  lcd fix flash file
 SONY XBO-V6  MT6572 unknown baseband solve flash file 

No Dead Rick
100%Tested By_Gsm Rana
+8801714326939     +8801714326939+8801714326939
Device Brand   : V6
Device Model   : xiaoxin
Device CPU     : MT6572
Device IntName : V6
Device Version : 4.4.2
Device Compile : 3/31/2016 10:10:30 AM
Device Project : ALPS.KK1.MP7.V1.7
Device ExtInfo : V6

Kingstar A1 Ultra V4.4.2 unknown baseband solve flash file 100%Tested By_Gsm Rana


Kingstar A1 Ultra V4.4.2 Pac Flash file without password
Kingstar A1 Ultra V4.4.2 Pac  rom without  firmwere flash file
Kingstar A1 Ultra V4.4.2 Pac without password
Kingstar A1 Ultra V4.4.2 Pac  flash file free
 Kingstar A1 Ultra V4.4.2 Pac cm2 read flash file
Kingstar A1 Ultra V4.4.2 Pac  official rom
 Kingstar A1 Ultra V4.4.2 Pac virus clean flash file stock rom
 Kingstar A1 Ultra V4.4.2 Pac dead boot recovery flash file
Kingstar A1 Ultra V4.4.2 Pac  lcd fix flash file

Kingstar A1 Ultra V4.4.2 unknown baseband solve flash file
Kingstar A1 Ultra V4.4.2  xda flash file
Kingstar A1 Ultra V4.4.2  needrom flash file
Kingstar A1 Ultra android mtk flash file
Kingstar A1 Ultra  bossrom flash file
Kingstar A1 Ultra  file without password
Kingstar A1 Ultra  rom without password
 Kingstar A1 Ultra firmwere flash file without password
 Kingstar A1 Ultra flash file free
 Kingstar A1 Ultra cm2 read flash file
 Kingstar A1 Ultra official rom
Kingstar A1 Ultra  virus clean flash file stock rom
 Kingstar A1 Ultra dead boot recovery flash file
Kingstar A1 Ultra  lcd fix flash file
Kingstar A1 Ultra  unknown baseband solve flash file

No Dead Rick
100%Tested By_Gsm Rana
+8801714326939     +8801714326939+8801714326939
Device Brand   : Kingstar
Device Model   : scx15_p337g42
Device CPU     : scx15_p337g42
Device IntName : scx15_p337g42cuccspecAplus_UUI
Device Version : 4.4.2
Device Compile : 9/27/2016 7:20:35 AM
Device Project : Kingstar_A1_Ultra_V05_20160920
Device ExtInfo : A1 Ultra

SMART S-34 Flash File{{MT6580 V7.0}}cm2 read virus clean flash file stock rom 100%Tested By_Gsm Rana


 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0 Flash file without password
 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0 rom without  firmwere flash file
 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0 without password
 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0  flash file free
 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0  cm2 read flash file
 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0  official rom
 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0 virus clean flash file stock rom
 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0 dead boot recovery flash file
 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0 lcd fix flash file


 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0  unknown baseband solve flash file
 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0  xda flash file
 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0  needrom flash file
 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0 android mtk flash file
 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0  bossrom flash file
 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0  file without password
 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0  rom without password
 SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0  firmwere flash file without password
  SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0 flash file free
  SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0 cm2 read flash file
  SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0 official rom
  SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0 virus clean flash file stock rom
  SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0 dead boot recovery flash file
  SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0 lcd fix flash file
  SMART  S-34 MT6580 V7.0 unknown baseband solve flash file

No Dead Rick
100%Tested By_Gsm Rana
+8801714326939     +8801714326939+8801714326939

Brand     : SMART
ProdName  : SMART S-34
ProdModel : SMART S-34
Device    : SMART S-34
AndroidVer: 5.1
CU_SWVer  : V1.0.9
MTKxCPU   : MT6580
MTKxPRJ   : ALPS.L1.MP6.V2.19_HCT6580.WEG.A.L_P55

[Read Ok] : preloader_hct6580_weg_a_l.bin
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img

[ScatCFG] : MT6580 / V1.1.2 / hct6580_weg_a_l / EMMC
Android Info saved
MAUI Meta DB saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 1123 MiB
Scatter saved to : C:\Users\GSM RANA\Desktop\MT6580__SMART__SMART_S-34__SMART_S-34__5.1__ALPS.L1.MP6.V2.19_HCT6580.WEG.A.L_P55\

All done!




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