Android Firmware Zone

Saturday, 8 July 2017


WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731 Update Firmware Flash File 1000%Tested By_Gsm Rana

 WALTON Primo EF5 Firmware SC7731 Official Factory Flash File 1000%Tested By_Gsm Masud Rana

[[[WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731 Tested Flash File]]]
{{{WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731 Flash File}}}
<<<WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731 Stock Rom>>>
WALTON Primo EF5 Update firmware flash file
WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731 Official  Factory Flash File

1000%Tested By_Gsm Masud Rana

+8801714326939     +8801714326939+8801714326939


WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731  xda flash file
WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731  needrom flash file
WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731  android mtk flash file
WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731  bossrom flash file
WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731  file without password
WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731  rom without password
WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731  firmwere flash file without password
WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731  flash file free
WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731  cm2 read flash file
WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731  official rom
WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731  virus clean flash file stock rom
WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731  dead boot recovery flash file
WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731  lcd fix flash file
WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731  unknown baseband solve flash file

WALTON Primo EF5 SC7731 TESTED FIRMWARE Flash File Death Phone Hang Logo LCD Blank Virus Clean Recovery Done Tested By Gsm Masud Rana

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

WALTON Primo EF5 Plus Firmware SC7731 V6.0 Official Factory Flash File 1000%Tested By_Gsm Masud Rana

[[[WALTON Primo EF5 Plus 6.0 SC7731 Tested Flash File]]]
{{{WALTON Primo EF5+ 6.0 SC7731 Flash File}}}
<<<WALTON Primo EF5+ 6.0 SC7731 Stock Rom>>>
WALTON Primo EF5 Plus Update firmware flash file
WALTON Primo EF5+ 6.0 SC7731 Official  Factory Flash File

1000%Tested By_Gsm Masud Rana


WALTON Primo EF5+ 6.0 SC7731 xda flash file
WALTON Primo EF5 Plus 6.0 SC7731  needrom flash file
WALTON Primo EF5 Plus 6.0 SC7731  android mtk flash file
WALTON Primo EF5 Plus 6.0 SC7731  bossrom flash file
WALTON Primo EF5 Plus 6.0 SC7731  file without password
WALTON Primo EF5 Plus 6.0 SC7731  rom without password
WALTON Primo EF5 Plus 6.0 SPD7731  firmwere flash file without password
WALTON Primo EF5 Plus 6.0 SC7731  flash file free
WALTON Primo EF5 Plus 6.0 SC7731  cm2 read flash file
WALTON Primo EF5 Plus 6.0 SC7731  official rom
WALTON Primo EF5 Plus 6.0 SC7731  virus clean flash file stock rom
WALTON Primo EF5 Plus 6.0 SC7731  dead boot recovery flash file
WALTON Primo EF5 Plus 6.0 SC7731  lcd fix flash file
WALTON Primo EF5 Plus 6.0 SC7731  unknown baseband solve flash file

+8801714326939     +8801714326939+8801714326939

Model Name  : Primo_EF5+
Model Brand : WALTON
Model Device: Primo_EF5_Plus
AndrVersion : 6.0
Project Ver : Primo_EF5+_S004_24102016
Model Ext   : Primo_EF5+

[Read Mode] : HSUSB : 0x3000

[FW_READER] : Reading Firmware Now ...

[Read Ok] : u-boot-spl-16k.bin
[Read Ok] : u-boot.bin
[Read Ok] : prodnv.img
[Read Ok] : sc7731C_CP0_modem.bin
[Read Ok] : DSP_DM_Gx.bin
[Read Ok] : nvitem_w.bin
[Read Ok] : sc8830g_modem_CP2_WCN_Trunk_W16.28.5_Release.bin
[Read Ok] : nvitem_wcn.bin
[Read Ok] : logo_480x854.bin
[Read Ok] : fblogo_480x853.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : sysinfo.img
[Build Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Build Ok] : userdata.img

AndroidInfo created
Firmware Size : 2434 MiB
Saved to : C:\Users\RANA\Desktop\WALTON_Primo_EF5_Plus_6.0_Pr

Monday, 3 July 2017

Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 Tested Flash File No Deat Risk

Symphony V47 {{MT6580 V7.0}} Firmware Factory Flash File 1000%Tested By_Gsm Rana


[[[Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 Tested Flash File]]]
{{{Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 Flash File}}}
<<<Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 Stock Rom>>>
Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 Update firmware flash file
Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 Official  Factory Flash File

1000%Tested By_Gsm Masud Rana
Symphony V47 MT6580 AndroidVer 7.0 xda flash file
Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 Needrom Flash File
Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 android mtk flash file
 Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 bossrom flash file
 Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 file without password
 Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 rom without password
 Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 firmwere flash file without password
 Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 flash file free
 Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 cm2 read flash file
 Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 official rom
 Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 virus clean flash file stock rom
 Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 dead boot recovery flash file
Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0  lcd fix flash file
 Symphony V47 MT6580 V7.0 unknown baseband solve flash file

+8801714326939     +8801714326939+8801714326939

Reading Flash Content now ... 

xGPT : Normalize settings Ok!

Brand     : Symphony
ProdName  : V47
ProdModel : V47
Device    : V47
AndroidVer: 7.0
MTKxCPU   : MT6580
MTKxPRJ   : RS631S_Symphony_V001_20170113

[Read Ok] : preloader_rs631.bin
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : tz1.img
[Read Ok] : tz2.img
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img

[ScatCFG] : MT6580 / V1.1.2 / rs631 / EMMC
Android Info saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 1985 MiB
Scatter saved to : C:\Users\RANA\Desktop\MT6580__Symphony__V47__V47__7.0__RS631S_Symphony_V001_20170113\

All done!

WALTON Primo GH6+ {{MTK5680 V6.0}} Official Latest Firmwaer Flash File 10000%Tested By_Gsm Rana

[[[WALTON Primo GH6+ MTK5680 V6.0 Tested Flash File]]]
{{{WALTON Primo GH6 Plus Flash File}}}
<<<WALTON Primo GH6+ MT6580 Stock Rom>>>
WALTON Primo GH6+ Mt6580 Update firmware flash file
WALTON Primo GH6+ Official  Factory Flash File
1000%Tested By_Gsm Masud Rana


WALTON Primo GH6+ MTK5680 V6.0 xda flash file 
 WALTON Primo GH6+ MTK5680 V6.0needrom flash fileite
WALTON Primo GH6+ MTK5680 V6.0 android mtk flash fileite
WALTON Primo GH6+ MTK5680 V6.0 bossrom flash fileite
WALTON Primo GH6+ MTK5680 V6.0  file without passwordite
WALTON Primo GH6+ MTK5680 V6.0 rom without passwordite
WALTON Primo GH6+ MTK5680 V6.0 firmwere flash file without password 
WALTON Primo GH6+ MT5680 V6.0 flash file free
WALTON Primo GH6+ MT5680 V6.0 cm2 read flash file 
WALTON Primo GH6+ MT5680 V6.0 official rom
WALTON Primo GH6+ MT5680 V6.0 virus clean flash file stock rom
 WALTON Primo GH6+ MTK5680 V6.0  dead boot recovery flash file
 WALTON Primo GH6+ MT5680 V6.0 lcd fix flash file
WALTON Primo GH6+ MTK5680 V6.0 unknown baseband solve flash file
+8801714326939     +8801714326939+8801714326939

 Reading Flash Content now ...

xGPT : Normalize settings Ok!

Brand     : WALTON
ProdName  : Primo_GH6+
ProdModel : Primo GH6+
Device    : Primo_GH6+
AndroidVer: 6.0
MTKxCPU   : MT6580
MTKxPRJ   : ALPS.W10.24.p0

[Read Ok] : preloader_v3702.bin
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img

[ScatCFG] : MT6580 / V1.1.2 / v3702 / EMMC
Android Info saved
MAUI Meta DB saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 2221 MiB
Scatter saved to : C:\Users\RANA\Desktop\MT6580__WALTON__Primo_GH6+__Primo_GH6+__6.0__ALPS.W10.24.p0\

All done!

...{{itel it1508Plus Flash File Sc7731 V5.1 New verson Update firmware Flash File 1000%Tested By_Gsm Rana}}.....

itel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc7731 Pac Flash file without password itel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc7731 PAC rom without password itel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc7731 firmwere flash file without password itel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc7731  flash file  free itel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc77XX cm2 read flash fileitel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc7731 official rom itel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc7731 PAC virus clean flash file stock rom



itel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc7731 PAC xda flash fileitel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc7731 Pac needrom flash fileitel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc77XX SPD android mtk flash fileitel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc77XX Pac bossrom flash fileitel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc77XX Pac  file without passworditel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc77XX Pac rom without passworditel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc7731 Spd firmwere flash file without passworditel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc77XX Pac flash file freeitel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc77XX Pac cm2 read flash fileitel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc77XX Pac official romitel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc77XX Pac virus clean flash file stock romitel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc77XX Pac  dead boot recovery flash fileitel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc77XX Spd lcd fix flash fileitel it1508Plus 5.1 Sc77XX PAC unknown baseband solve flash file

+8801714326939     +8801714326939+8801714326939


Read Info

Model Brand : Itel
Model Device: itel_it1508Plus
AndrVersion : 5.1
Project Ver : LMY47D release-keys
Model Ext   : itel it1508 Plus

[Read Mode] : HSUSB : 0x3000

[FW_READER] : Reading Firmware Now ...

[Read Ok] : u-boot-spl-16k.bin
[Read Ok] : u-boot.bin
[Read Ok] : prodnv.img
[Read Ok] : sc7731g_CP0_modem.bin
[Read Ok] : DSP_DM_Gx.bin
[Read Ok] : nvitem_w.bin
[Read Ok] : sc8830g_modem_CP2_WCN_Trunk_W16.28.5_Release.bin
[Read Ok] : nvitem_wcn.bin
[Read Ok] : logo_480x854.bin
[Read Ok] : fblogo_480x854.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : oem.img
[Read Ok] : sysinfo.img
[Build Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Build Ok] : userdata.img

AndroidInfo created
Firmware Size : 2275 MiB
Saved to : C:\Users\RANA\Desktop\SC77xx_itel_it1508Plus_5.1_LMY47D_release-keys_itel_it1508_Plus\


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